Sunday, September 28, 2008

Use a singular verb with sums of money or periods of time

Ten dollars is a high price to pay.
Five years is the maximum sentence for that offense.

Use noon and midnight rather than 12:00 P.M. and 12:00 A.M.

Capitalize when two or more sentences follow a sentence ending with a colon

I love Mary's Writing: Her book, A Thousand Acres, was beautiful. Also, Moo was clever.

Capitalize English but do not capitalize math

Capitalize words derived from proper nouns.

I must take English and math.
English is capitalized because it comes from the proper noun English, but math does not come from mathland.

Do not capitalize little words within titles, e.g. prepositions.

Always capitalize the first and last words of titles of publications regardless of their parts of speech. Capitalize other words within titles, including the short verb forms Is, Are, and Be.

Exception: Do not capitalize little words within titles such as a, an, the, but, as, if, and, or, nor, or prepositions, regardless of their length.

The Day of the Jackal
What Color Is Your Parachute?
A Tale of Two Cities